Well here they are, the long awaited update photos!! I can't believe how grown up she looks! We also received her new measurements and she has gotten bigger since October. I'm not real convinced about the accuracy of these measurements, but it gives us an idea. I think maybe they weigh them and measure height with clothes & shoes on. I'm also thinking they might measure her foot inside a shoe. According to the new info her foot is bigger than Rorey's!! NO WAY! He is a year older, 7-8 inches taller and he does not have a little foot!! Either way a dream has ended, no shoe shopping for Ellie until we have her foot with us (and the rest of her of course) Also I was very happy to see she still has all of her long hair!! I was hoping they hadn't cut it OR shaved it off!! It has grown quite a bit and seems to be hanging down her back!! It will be easier for me to "do" if it is long enough to pull back. Since all I'm used to is wild cowlick ridden short cut boy hair!!
We are happy to have new info, but are still waiting anxiously on our SCL/LOA. Hurry up China!!