Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pics of the Princess

On the porch with our pumpkins

Princess Oh Yeah!

Posing , posing, posing

GQ Ellie

Tuesday we took Ellie to her first Doctor's appointment here in the US. It went OK........after we finally got into the room and the doctor came in. Ellie freaked out when 1. they weighed her 2. they measured her height 3. they took her blood pressure. 4. they took us to a real room 5. they made her put on a gown 6. they made us wait for 30 minutes for the Dr. to come in! Once the doctor came in the interpreter told Ellie that all she wanted to do was talk to Mom and Dad. and that she was an auntie....not a doctor!! HAHA It worked. The doctor also had an occupational therapy student with her who had toys and markers to distract Ellie with. Things were fine after that while we talked for 45 minutes or more!! Once the doctor wanted to listen to Ellie's lungs, heart etc. she was calm and didn't freak out!! She went to the bathroom in a cup with no problem, of course then we come to the ugly part!! The nurse came to do the TB test.......bad bad bad!! Daddy had to hold her for that and I held her arm. Next we headed to the lab for so many blood tests that the list was hanging to the floor like Santa's list of bad kids!!! I think they took at least 9 BIG vials of blood, maybe more I lost count. We have to have her tested for everything just in case. You can't always trust the Chinese medical reports. Also she was tested to see if she needs her shots again. Daddy had to hold her for this too! I held her was more like arm wrestling than anything else!! After a total blowout and complete psychotic break, it was finally over and we left the hospital while she was still crying hysterically!! She fell asleep in the car after about 5 minutes and was still mad at us when we woke her up an hour later. It wasn't long before she came back around, and was fine last night here at home. So now what? Rorey woke up at 2 Am sick. I got him back to bed, but this morning he started throwing up!! Luckily he hadn't eaten anything since dinner last night! I just hope that we can keep from spreading it around to the rest of us!! Lysol here we go!!

She's holding out on us!

Well it's official she is holding out on us!! Ellie has been saying a few English words, but mainly has been bombarding us with whole paragraphs of Chinese and then staring at us like we are stupid!! Well today I was in the laundry room and Rick stuffed some clothes down the chute which promptly clogged and I had to get it unstuck. I keep a long pole in the laundry room for just these occasions, and as I pulled it out she said as plain as day.....what is that? I think it shocked her that it came out of her mouth because when I turned and said ...did you just say what is that? She grinned really big and shook her head yes. Now I wonder what else she could say if she wanted to. What a stinker!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Amazing Ellie

Big brother Rorey, Little sister Ellie, and ringo the dog!! In their PJ's ready for bed!!

Still posing every time we get the camera out!!

Our new family picture
Things are going well! We have been getting used to each other, getting back into a "normal schedule"......well at least Riley and Rorey!! They both are back to their regular activities. Riley is in 5th grade, and Rorey is in pre-school three days a week. Rick and I are still off work and I will not be going back until December, so plenty of time to let Ellie start to feel at home here with us. Rick will be going back to his normal work as of November 2nd. (many of you will understand what I'm saying!) Hopefully we will all get along well and things will be under control sooner rather than later! We are taking Ellie to DR. Laddage in St. Louis this Tuesday and we are praying that she will not act like she did in Guangzhou!! WOW crazy girl!!! Also I'm going to get a dentist appointment for her ....and Rorey who has never had a "successful" dentist appointment either!! Which would mean he would sit in the chair and or let them look in his mouth!! HAHA At church today Ellie went into the 4 & 5 year old class with her brother with no problem!! She spent the entire time in there and was just fine!! I was very surprised!! We spent the rest of the day out and about at the park, apple barn, and then another park. It was soooo windy I've got windburn on my face and chapped lips!! Ellie took a big dive at the park off of a piece of playground equipment and fell face first into the dirty mulch! She had dirt in her mouth and her feet went up over her back and head!! I thought she broke her neck!! She has NO FEAR!! She is like a loaded gun, constantly running from one thing to the next, with no regard for her safety. You should see her in the pool!!! I will NEVER be able to take her and Rorey swimming by myself, one of them would end up dead for sure!
Our friend James and his wife made Ellie some "pig feet with eggs" over rice and brought the left overs to our house for her. It looks disgusting, but smells really good and she LOVES it! They have helped us so much by talking to her, explaining things, and calming her down when she was totally consumed with grief!
Also we went to visit my parents on Saturday in my hometown, and ended up going out to lunch at one of the Chinese restaurants there. They where talking to Ellie for 20 minutes and the son spoke very good English so he was telling us what she was saying. She is very funny when she sees other Chinese people, and they all tell us she is very smart! Ellie seems to know that they are her grandparents and is giving them hugs and kisses when we leave. Luckily since my father is our babysitter when I'm at work....three days a week. Hope she gets really really used to Papa Jim before December hits!!
Ellie has been sleeping great the last 5 or so days. She isn't even crying when it is time for bed. She lets me rock her in the rocker for a few minutes, then gets up and gets in her bed willingly and goes to sleep until morning!! Can you guys believe that? Also you might have noticed the haircut....Rick's Mom cut her hair for us, and Ellie seems to like it! She was always pushing her hair out from her face, and now it doesn't bother her. I'll try to keep up with the blog, as much as I can so keep checking in!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Settling In

We are still alive, finally getting over the jetlag and feeling like humans again!! Ellie is doing extremely well......during the day! When evening comes it's a different story! She gets really upset and doesn't want to take a bath or take her clothes off to put on PJ's. She knows what is coming.......bedtime!! She cried last night hysterically for about 30 minutes so we called our Chinese friend James and he calmed her down on the phone. He said she is asking to go home.
I feel for her because I felt this way anytime I was away from my family when I was a kid. She fell asleep in the bed after only 3 minutes of crying, and slept until 9 this morning so once she is in bed it's not that bad!! I know she is feeling really awkward about bonding to us, like she is betraying her China family!! The better she does with us during the day, the worse it is in the evening. Over all it has been very good, a pretty smooth transition considering she is 4 years old, and left her foster family of 4 years to come here!! Rorey is being great with her....too good sometimes!! She has taken advantage of his sweet personality several times so I had to explain to him not to let her take toys or hit him with out telling me. She can be a stinker!! Riley is back in school and got all of his work done finally!! Poor kid picked up a stomach bug on the way home somewhere! He woke up at 4 AM on Saturday throwing up. He had a fever and a bad headache. He had to stay home from our "field cookout" with Rick's parents and sisters on Sunday.....(when they meet Ellie) so my mom came and watched him. Rick's dad is a farmer and is in the field now, so we went to the field and had a cookout/picnic. Today we are taking Ellie to James' house around lunch time and then they are cooking Chinese food for our dinner and bringing the food and Ellie back to us at 4PM. She will probably be seeing the Wang family often. Also we have an appointment at the school tomorrow to speak to them about getting Ellie into some kind of program. She is really bored and needs to be with other kids. Rorey's preschool is just not prepared to take on a child who speaks no English!!
I'm not sure what we will end up doing about school etc. She should start Kindergarten next year, but I don't want her and Rorey in the same grade.
We will have to wait and see, I just don't want anything negative coming out of this for Rorey, because he is such a soft hearted precious boy!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

We are home!!

Well we are here, after two plane flights and a 4 hour van ride. We made it home without any major throw downs.. Ellie was great on the plane, actually amazing! She slept off and on and just sat there the rest of the time!! I think I might have been more upset than she was!!
It was so great to see my Mom when we finally made it through the immigration paperwork and headed out of there!! And of course Rorey !!! I think he grew an inch while we were gone!! He is so excited and happy to have Ellie home with us, but we will see how long that lasts!!

Thanks to everyone who followed our journey.....and for all the comments, they keep you sane and help you remember that eventually you will be home and back to normal!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Last day in Guangzhou!!

Riley with fast friend Will, who is traveling with his family
Red couch picture
Our travel group
Farewell dinner with our travel group

Yeah!! Tomorrow we are starting home!! We will fly out of GZ at 9:30 AM and then land in Beijing at 12:30. Then we will get on our United flight at 4:00 Pm and land in Chicago at 4:15 Pm on Thursday afternoon. I am so excited to come home! I just want to drink tap water, use my own bathroom, sleep in my own bed, and most of all see my baby boy....Rorey Clark!!! I miss you so much buddy, I can't wait to get off that plane and see your sweet little face!! I have to warn you that your new sister can be a real stinker!! She sometimes hits and bites if she doesn't get her way, so I'm warning you before we get home that you have to be a real good boy and not hit or bite her back!! We have to teach her to be good like you are, OK?
Mommy loves you and I'll see you really soon!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Thank God for Starbucks

Our lifes blood!! Coffee!!!
We love you Starbucks!!

Riley after another long night sharing a bed with the princess!!

You do not know how much I mean that! It is like a tiny US here in Guangzhou!! They even have a real TOILET!! Not a squatty potty, but an honest to goodness toilet!! WOW I knew I loved Starbucks, but now there is no doubt!! We have gone there several times, and all the American families seem to feel the same way we do. We are sitting in the room now, waiting for our guide Elsie who is at the American Consulate now, applying for Ellie's (everyone's children in our group) visa. We have to wait here in case she has a problem with our paperwork, so she could get ahold of us if need be. After we get the all clear we are planning to go out shopping with the Skiles'. Hopefully also to Starbucks!! We love you Rorey!! Only a few more days....big kisses to you!!

Thank you Deb

This post is for Deb Wakefield who made this pretty little robe for Ellie before we left for China! She likes it, and of course was posing all over the room with it on!!

We want to give Deb and her family our condolences as her mother Mary past away the day before we left for China. She was a very nice lady, and Deb was a wonderful daughter to her even when it wasn't easy!! Love you guys!! See you soon!

Monday Medical exam

Health clinic we went to for medical exam
Let me look inyour mouth little girl Total panic has set in
across the street from the medical office
one of the many ficus trees here

Today we all met and took the children to get their "medical exam." I use that term loosely! Ellie has obviously been to the doctor before as she had a absolute FIT!! Even to stand on the scale to get her height and weight!! She went crazy at the ENT portion, and totally psychotic when it came to the general exam, where they wanted her clothes off and for her to lay down etc. WOW! Then because of her diagnosis of "cognitive delay" coupled with her wacko behavior they made us see another Doctor who basically just asked us questions and her....also our guide
who translated answers for can she write, does she know what a pen is for? I told them she can count to thirty and has already learned several English words!! Then they said OK... you can go. I think this is why she first was labeled with this diagnosis....because she was extremely uncooperative with the doctors and refused to speak to them. So..... Does this remind you of anyone??? Like maybe Rorey who refused to speak at all until he was nearly 3 years old!!
STUBBORN!!! They are going to be quite the couple these two mule headed children of mine!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

More pics of Guangzhou

Christian Church in Guangzhou!!
Ellie playing at the park
One of the many "weird" signs we have seen
Model Ellie with Baba
White swan hotel lobby

First day in Guangzhou

Children practicing their english on us!
Ellie at "Lucy's" eating french fries!!
BIG ficus trees!
Steven with Zak
Riley as a monkey

We arrived here in Guangzhou yesterday afternoon, Ellie did well on the flight, and fell asleep as we landed!! Of course! On the way home we will take care of that with some Dramamine!! Oh yes.....and we will take off from Beijing at 4PM so hopefully she will be tired anyway. I am not looking forward to that flight!! Today we met two other families for breakfast, which is a great buffet with all kinds of food. I think most families live off of the breakfast, as it has some American food also. Then we all went to church!! There is a Christian church right down the street!! They have a Chinese/English service at 11 Am!! Very interesting to say the least!! We did sing some English songs, and they had a translator....who some had trouble understanding. After church we went to Starbucks and met the Skiles family. They are adopting Zak....and sweet little boy who is 2 years old. They are very nice folks, from Indiana. We then went to Jordan's children's shop which is run by a very nice Christian man named Jordan. By the way Vickie....we gave him the gift and he was very excited to get it! He said thank you very much and greetings to you and your family!! He made a drawing of Ellie's name with the Chinese characters and meanings. We did purchase some things from his shop...some souvenirs etc. Later today we took some laundry to be done and then did some shopping. Wow it's different here!! You have to bargain with the people who are selling things!! They say....very good price for you..... Yeah right!! We played at the park, where Riley was amazing all the locals with his monkey genes on the highbar!! They were all just standing there staring at him!! Then we ate at Lucy's...which is American food....well as close as it gets in China!!! We are headed to the pool now and Riley & Ellie can't wait!! gotta go....Pictures to follow after swimming!! Love you Rorey Clark!!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008


We flew to Guangzhou today, it was a OK flight, about 5 hours. It was chilly when we left Urumqi, but when we landed here in GZ, it was warm and muggy!! It isn't horrible, just warm especially after being in Xinjiang where it is cool now. We came from the north-west part of China to the south-east coast area. We saw our friends the Skiles out and about with thier new son Zak. He is around 2, very cute and very tiny!! He comes from a more southern area where the people tend to be smaller. Tomorrow we will probably meet up with others from our group, it is a free day and we are going to go to church with the Skiles down the street from the White Swan. I thought Christianity was not really acceptable here, but they have a church in GZ!!
I will post some pictures tomorrow, and give you an update on our plans!! Love you Rorey!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

More pics last day in Urumqi

View from the top of red hill
These are the stairs I said no to!
Sha Mei and Baba rode the bumper boat!
bridge at red hill park

Last day in Urumqi

View from our window
Lunch of noodles with beef
"Very famous"noodle restaurant workers
Family pic at Red Hill Park
Sha Mei on top of the "red hill"
Today is Friday and we are flying out of here tomorrow morning!! It has been a very special time here where Sha Mei was born and started her life, but I am homesick....mainly Rorey sick , and ready to move on to the next part of the trip. Tomorrow we fly to Guangzhou, where we will have our American Consulate appointment, and we will get Sha Mei's visa for her passport, which will allow her to enter into the US. Today we didn't do anything in the morning, we waited for Jessie to go and retrieve Sha Mei's passport and then she helped us to get all of our paperwork and money ready for Guangzhou. After that was done we walked to Red Hill Park which is in the middle of town about a 20 minute walk from our hotel. It has a big "mountain" right in down town Urumqi!! Riley rode a carnival ride there and Rick and Sha Mei rode the little bumper boats. She is in LOVE with Baba. Then they climbed the big hill. I went part way and then waited for them to come back down. I have had enough stairs for the next 2 years!! Everyone was staring at me and doing the double take! Strange, white skinned, tall, big nosed, American
lady standing on the pathway alone. I seemed to draw a lot of attention!! When we got back Jessie took us to a small family restaurant one street behind the hotel. It was very delicious ....noodles with beef and vegetables. "Very famous" that is the catch phrase here in China!! The workers where very interested in us, Sha Mei, Riley and his blond hair, and asked Jessie all kinds of questions!! I will post some of the pics from today and also some from tonight of our view from the hotel!! Love to everyone! Especially you Rorey!!