Monday, October 6, 2008

Did I call her a princess??

OH MY goodness didn't I call her a princess?? Well boy was I ever right!! LOL I can not believe that anyone EVER thought this child was "cognitively delayed" She is as smart as a tack!!
The direcctor of the orphanage talked with us for quite a while and she said that Mei Mei was very bright, she is in Kindergarden already, and she has been running the foster home. They gave us a formal portrait of her with her foster Mom and Dad and sister. She has already learned several english words, including...... Hello, OK, Riley, thirsty. She counts up to like 30 or more....... I couldn't keep track, of course my Chinese isn't as good as her's!! HAHA She was shy with us for about 2 minutes, and ever since she has been laughing and playing, holding hands with Riley and has used the bathroom 4 times(which is a big deal in the adoption world), she ate
french fries with ketchup this evening. She ordered her own lunch of Chi fan...cooked rice....and
stir fried vegetables!! We couldn't order for ourselves but she did!!!! The director said this is the type of child they would call a "little adult" which means she talks in long sentences and uses words like an adult. Just like her brothers!! HAHA She also rolls her eyes at you all of the time ....just like Rorey does!!! We are very happy, and are overwhelmed by how wonderful she is!!! Rorey she knows your picture and calls you big brother. More later,Love to everyone


Gretchen Magruder said...

AHHH!! She's adorable!! looks like she fits perfectly in your family - - we're SO happy for you!!

Kimber and Scott Miller said...

You guys look so happy already.
See, I told you it'd be just fine!!
Can't wait to meet her.

BTW- who's the lady in the pic with you guys?


Shannon said...

Congratulations, she is gorgeous! Can you believe she is finally in your arms? Enjoy every minute getting to know your daughter! Many blessings.