Sunday, October 5, 2008

Monday Morning

We slept pretty well last night, I did take a nap yesterday afternoon, well all three of us did. I just could NOT keep my eyes open!! So last night at 8:30 I took 2 tylenol PM's and we all went to bed. I couldn't believe Riley slept in the afternoon and then slept again and didn't get up until Rick and I woke up at 4:30. We are getting ready to go to breakfast, and then we will meet our guide Jessie in the lobby at 9:45. We should get Sha Mei at 10:00 AM. I'm a little nervous, but not as bad as I would have thought I'd be!! I did have a few waves of panic while we where in Beijing.....mostly at night when I was laying there and couldn't sleep!! I would think, why did I do this?? What was I thinking?? Our life was fine the way it was!! But I think that is normal, as I had the same thoughts when Riley and Rorey where born. I'm sure things will be perfectly fine and in a few months we will wonder how we ever got along with out her. I'll post some pictures tonight, well hopefully if we can get this hotel computer figured out!!


Jean said...

I can't wait to see those photos! Jessie was our guide too. Please tell her Jean, Scott, Nate, Drew, and Lilymei (Li Ying) say hello!

Jean in Guam

Gretchen Magruder said...

We saw Victoria and the McGowans this morning all in their beautiful chinese clothing....I'm amazed that it's really happening for all of us!! Can't wait to see the next set of pics from you!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dana and Family!

Can't wait to see your pic's of gotcha day! Hope you like Urumqi, it is so beautiful there! You are all in our prayers and Grace is excited that Sha Mei has a family now like her!