We are still alive, finally getting over the jetlag and feeling like humans again!! Ellie is doing extremely well......during the day! When evening comes it's a different story! She gets really upset and doesn't want to take a bath or take her clothes off to put on PJ's. She knows what is coming.......bedtime!! She cried last night hysterically for about 30 minutes so we called our Chinese friend James and he calmed her down on the phone. He said she is asking to go home.
I feel for her because I felt this way anytime I was away from my family when I was a kid. She fell asleep in the bed after only 3 minutes of crying, and slept until 9 this morning so once she is in bed it's not that bad!! I know she is feeling really awkward about bonding to us, like she is betraying her China family!! The better she does with us during the day, the worse it is in the evening. Over all it has been very good, a pretty smooth transition considering she is 4 years old, and left her foster family of 4 years to come here!! Rorey is being great with her....too good sometimes!! She has taken advantage of his sweet personality several times so I had to explain to him not to let her take toys or hit him with out telling me. She can be a stinker!! Riley is back in school and got all of his work done finally!! Poor kid picked up a stomach bug on the way home somewhere! He woke up at 4 AM on Saturday throwing up. He had a fever and a bad headache. He had to stay home from our "field cookout" with Rick's parents and sisters on Sunday.....(when they meet Ellie) so my mom came and watched him. Rick's dad is a farmer and is in the field now, so we went to the field and had a cookout/picnic. Today we are taking Ellie to James' house around lunch time and then they are cooking Chinese food for our dinner and bringing the food and Ellie back to us at 4PM. She will probably be seeing the Wang family often. Also we have an appointment at the school tomorrow to speak to them about getting Ellie into some kind of program. She is really bored and needs to be with other kids. Rorey's preschool is just not prepared to take on a child who speaks no English!!
I'm not sure what we will end up doing about school etc. She should start Kindergarten next year, but I don't want her and Rorey in the same grade.
We will have to wait and see, I just don't want anything negative coming out of this for Rorey, because he is such a soft hearted precious boy!
1 comment:
It was so great to see you in church on Sunday - - I had to be careful not to look at you while I was leading worship, or I would fall apart!!
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