School started last week, and although I was so excited to get ALL THREE KIDS in school it still made me a little sad when that bus drove away. Riley is in 6th grade this year, and it's his last year in middle school. Next year he will be moving to the junior high!! I can't believe it!! My baby is 11 years old...... it's amazing how fast time goes by. Rorey turned six in May, and he started Kindergarten this year. He still wasn't really sure that school was for him. He cried at the meet the teacher night, and wouldn't sit and listen to the teacher read a story. Luckily the first day of school was better, and he got on the bus with out tears. We never planned to send Ellie to Kindergarten this year, but since the school denied her any services until she was "enrolled" in school we really didn't have any choice. Ellie is going to half day Kindergarten this year so she can attend "English as a second language" and get caught up on her social skills. I am considering this year her "pre-K" year since she was not able to be in Pre K last year. Next year Ellie will start Kindergarten over again..... full day. Hopefully by then she will be nearly caught up with the kids starting Kindergarten. She is LOVING school. Loves to be around the other kids, color, and play outside on the playground. Things are going really well so far. BUT check back in a few weeks!!!