Thursday, March 20, 2008

Choking at the Secretary of State

Well Rorey and I went to the Secretary of State office yesterday to have all of our papers certified (still waiting on the I-171H) and boy do those people REALLY LOVE their jobs! (sorry Rick tells me I'm too sarcastic) Anyway, we sat there for quite a while, read a book, looked around, and then Rorey started to get loud (he was getting very bored) so we got several nasty looks, then he started choking on a cheese nip, and gagging etc. Some woman from the back of the office heard him and came running out & wanted to call 911. But he was OK. I think he didn't really choke, but swallowed the cheese nip whole and it got caught somewhere on the way down. All of the sudden everything changed! You would have thought we were the best of friends after the --UCI--ugly choking incident--. They were as nice as could be until we were ready to leave, and even brought him out a glass of water.
So someone tell me what I'm supposed to learn from this one?


Kimber and Scott Miller said...

I see your point there. Just why couldn't they had been a tid bit nicer to begin with, eh? Like your abreviations UCA.. haha


Gretchen Magruder said...

The lesson is:

don't just tolerate your children, USE them to manipulate people into getting what you want. You could train Rory to do other order to get sympathy...