Sunday, August 3, 2008


I guess the "rumor" that no one would be working in the CCAA during the Olympics got all the way back to CHINA!! They made a statement saying they would continue to work on adoption documents, but with a smaller staff than usual. This is great news for us, it will only keep our process rolling!! Our friends the M's got their LOA this past Friday for the SN little girl they are adopting!! We are so excited for their family!! There is a possibility that we could receive our LOA this next week. I'm not going to get my hopes up just in case it doesn't come, but it would be wonderful!! The sooner the better. Poor little Ellie probably thinks we are never coming!! We have been PA(pre-approved ) to adopt her since last December!!
On another note, the foot thing?? I went and I looked at the shoes in the size they say her foot is! I made Rorey put on a pink shoe with rhinestones and girly designs(he LOVED it) and I still can not believe that she would actually wear that size!! It is the size Rorey wears, and he is 8 inches taller and 15 pounds heavier!! She is going to have some REALLY BIG feet if the measurements are correct!!! Although, my co-worker S. has two nieces adopted from China and she says they both have long narrow feet.
And still it's making me crazy(crazier) not to be able to buy her some shoes!!

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