Thursday, June 5, 2008

Still No Log In Date!

Well as you can see, we still have no LID. Our internet is still not working correctly, not that we noticed since we had no power after Monday nights storms until Wednesday morning at 7:30. The boys and I went to my parents Tuesday night, since we didn't have water either!! Rick stayed home alone in the dark, and hooked up a generator. Next time this happens at least we will be able to flush the toilets!!
I guess I'll call CHI and try to figure out why there has been no word about our log in date. We are DTC as of May 9th!!! Most people have the LID 3-4 days later!! This is actually what I should have expected since NOTHING else has gone smoothly thru this process. Well I take that back, one thing did go smooth- Picking Ellie- Thank God!!!

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