Spidey, Hobo, & Sunshine
Pumpkin Time
Halloween was kind of up in the air this year....we didn't know how Ellie was going to react to all of the excitement!! It isn't surprising that she LOVED it!! She laughed crazily as Riley chased her around the house in his "hobo, vampire, army guy" costume, and loved Rorey in the Spiderman getup also. She enjoyed being a "sunshine bear" even though she has no clue what a "sunshine bear" is!! We went to the "trick or trunk" at the Methodist church first, and they also have a free wiener roast there. Ellie tried her first smore, which she did not care for at all!! She seems to have an aversion to chocolate! I know it's pretty obvious that she is not my biological child, but this just seals the deal!! (Also she does not like Mac-n-Cheese, but we will discuss that in a later post) Anyway after the trunk deal we went to my friend Michelle's house and we all went trick or treating in her neighborhood. She has 6 children...5 bios and 1 new adoptee from China. So 4 of hers and 3 of mine went out and ran the streets, with parents chasing, and yelling, and reminding to say Thank you etc. Wow I was beat after all of that!! Tons of candy, what else do you need to know?
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